Leaning Against Stall Wall or Fence
Horses in abdominal pain (colic) sometimes back into corners and against walls and may press there momentarily, but they usually move around and show other signs of illness. Horses that are rubbing or scratching their rears show coordinated movement, but easily stand on their own and move away from the structure.
Code Red
Call Your Vet Immediately, Even Outside Business Hours- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) in the resting horse indicate fever (Temp>101F/38.3C), or heart rate greater than 48 BPM.
- If you notice apparent wobbliness or weakness, in addition to this sign.
Code Orange
Call Your Vet at Their First Available Office Hours- If this seems mild or occasional and the horse seems normal otherwise.
- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) suggest the horse is otherwise normal.
your role

What To Do
Observe your horse for a few moments, looking for other evidence of illness or disease. If possible, assess your horse's general health using the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) and share your findings and concerns with your vet.Your vet may tell you to try and lead the horse away from the stabilizing structure to determine whether they have trouble walking or standing on their own. However, take great care when handling horses exhibiting this sign. They may be weak or wobbly and they can suddenly fall, injuring their handlers. When in doubt, leave them alone until your vet arrives.
What Not To Do
Do not handle your horse unless advised to do so by your vet and you are confident in performing this task.
Skills you may need
Procedures that you may need to perform on your horse.
your vet's role

- When did you first notice this behavior?
- When did you last notice the horse behaving normally?
- How is the horse's attitude and appetite?
- Do you notice other signs of disease or injury?
- What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?

Diagnostics Your Vet May Perform
Figuring out the cause of the problem. These are tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what’s wrong.

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider
The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.
Cervical Vertebral Malformation, CVM
Fracture of Base of Skull & Brain Case
Brain, Traumatic Injury, Concussion & Brain Swelling
Meningo-Encephalitis, Meningitis
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Neoplasia, Tumor or Cancer, Brain
Borna Disease
Ear Tick Infestation
Post-Anesthetic Neuropathy, Myopathy or Myoneuropathy
External Ear Infections

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend
A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)