Strange Posture when Passing Manure
Looking at Side, Flank or Belly
Kicks at Belly or Abdomen
Rolling (in Adult)
Stretching, Dropping Penis, Trying to Urinate
Backing into Corner of Stall
Weight Loss, Thin, Losing Weight
Stretching Body Out, Front Limbs Forward, Hind Limbs Back
Manure is Watery, Diarrhea (in Adult)
Lying Down More Than Normal, or Getting Up & Down
Not Eating, Loss of Appetite, Not Hungry
Manure, Not Passing Enough
Teeth Grinding (in Adult)
Compulsive, Forceful Walking, Driving Forward when Led
Manure has Blood in It, or Bleeding from Anus
Abdomen or Belly seems Rigid, Painful to Pressure
Burping or Belching
Manure has Visible Sand in It
Swelling of Scrotum in Stallion
Urine Stream Slow or Weak

Related Observations
Your vet might choose this diagnostic test if you were making these observations.