Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
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Synonyms: Petechial Fever
Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
These are tests that might be helpful to make this diagnosis or further characterize the condition.
These treatments might be used to help resolve or improve this condition.
You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.
Swelling of Upper Front Limb or Leg
Swelling of Lip, Muzzle or Nose
Breathing Noise at Rest
Difficulty Breathing, Struggles for Breath
Depressed, Dull, Sick or Lethargic
Soft, Jiggly Swelling Between Front Legs
Face or Head Seems Swollen or Enlarged
Swelling of One Lower Limb or Leg
Difficulty Advancing Front Limb or Leg
Abdominal Pain, Colic Signs
I might need these skills if my horse has this diagnosis.
Avoid exposure to respiratory infectious disease whenever possible. Keep horses well vaccinated against these diseases. Avoid over-vaccination, especially to Strangles. Once this has occurred, talk to your vet about the cost/benefit of ongoing vaccination for Strangles