Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
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Synonyms: Horse Distemper, Streptococcus Equi Upper Airway Infection
Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
These are tests that might be helpful to make this diagnosis or further characterize the condition.
These treatments might be used to help resolve or improve this condition.
You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.
Discharge from Both Nostrils (White, Yellow or Green)
Drainage from Under or Behind Jaw
Wound to Cheek with Drainage or Swelling & Odor
Fever, Rectal Temperature Greater than 101.5 (in Adult)
Lump, Bump, Growth in Throat Area, Behind Jaw or Under Ear
Lump, Bump, Growth on Jawbone or Under Jaw
Drainage from Face or Head
Not Eating, Loss of Appetite, Not Hungry
Breathing Noise at Rest
Swelling on Side of Jowl or Cheek
Swelling of Jaw or Under Jaw
Discharge from One Nostril (White, Yellow or Green)
Drainage from Neck
Generalized Swelling of Throat Behind Jaw
I might need these skills if my horse has this diagnosis.
By keeping your horse's general health as good as it can be you reduce the severity of this disease. Maintain excellent general health through the best husbandry and nutrition. Reduce exposure to Streptococcus equi, by placing new horses in quarantine for 4-6 weeks, if possible. Discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with your vet. There is advantage in some cases, but controversy over the effectiveness and safety of some of the vaccines.
Written, reviewed or shared by experts in equine health
Equine Disease Communication Center
U of FL/IFAS - Equine Strangles: Signs of Disease, Management & Prevention
U of FL - Strategies for Equine Strangles: Management & Prevention
U of Guelph - EquIDblog: Strangles
The Horse.com - Horse Health Fact Sheet: Strangles
AAEP - Understanding Equine Strangles
AAEP - Strangles: New Millennium, Same Disease
ACVIM: Consensus Statement on Strangles
Higgins AJ, Snyder JR eds. The Equine Manual. 2nd Ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier Saunders 2006.