Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
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Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
These are tests that might be helpful to make this diagnosis or further characterize the condition.
These treatments might be used to help resolve or improve this condition.
You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.
Swelling around One Eye or Eyelid
Skin Seems Reddened or Irritated in a Location
Swelling, Anywhere on Body, Generally
Swelling on Back or Topline
Lameness, Immediately Following Trauma or Accident
Difficulty Advancing Front Limb or Leg
Swelling around Shoulder & Elbow
Swelling Under Belly or Lower Abdomen
Abrasion or Scrape on Lower Limb or Leg
Abrasion or Scrape, Anywhere on Body
Excessively Flexed, Upright Through Fetlock. Cocked Ankle (in Adult)
Swollen Hock, Generally
Swelling around One Eye or Eyelid
Stifle Area Seems Swollen
Swelling on Chest
Swelling of Upper Front Limb or Leg
Swelling on Back of Lower Limb, Flexor Tendon Area
Swelling over Ribcage (in Adult)
Pain Response to Pressure on Flexor Tendons or Suspensory Ligament
Swelling of Upper Hind Limb or Leg
Healing Leg Wound, Sudden Increase in Swelling, Drainage or Lameness
Purple, Red or Dark Spots on Gums or inside Nostril
Swelling on One Side of Head or Face
Swelling of Scrotum in Stallion
Swelling on Side of Jowl or Cheek
Accident, Hoof or Limb Trapped in Steel Grate, Cattle Guard
Swelling of Jaw or Under Jaw
Lump, Bump, Growth on Face or Head
Change in Appearance of Coronet Band
Hard Bump on Inside of Lower Hock
Foal Lameness, 1-6 Months Old
Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Blue or Purple
Bucked Shins, Pain Response to Pressure over Front of Cannon Bones in Race Horse
Stiff Neck or Back, Resists Lateral Bending
Single Lump or Swelling on Lower Limb or Leg
Bump or Swelling around Coronet or Pastern
Sheath Swelling or Enlargement
Lump, Bump, Growth on Shaft of Tail
Swelling on Side of Jowl or Cheek
Foal or Newborn, Swollen Limb or Leg
Swelling of Lip, Muzzle or Nose
Carpus (Knee) Swollen
Localized Muscle Loss in an Area
Lump, Bump, Growth in Throat Area, Behind Jaw or Under Ear
Lump, Bump, Growth on Leg
Edema or Firm Swelling Under Belly of Very Pregnant Mare
Neck Swelling
Groin Swelling in Mare or Gelding
Swelling on Top of Hip, One Side or Both
Swollen Fetlock (Ankle)
Lump, Bump, Growth, on Mouth, Lips, or Chin
Traumatic Incident Witnessed
Swelling of One Lower Limb or Leg
Skin is Sloughing Off, Anywhere on Body
Single or Multiple Lumps, Bumps, or Growths on Back
Newborn Foal, White of Eye is Red or Bloodshot
Lump, Bump, Growth on Muzzle
Swollen Ear
Bump or Swelling around Anus, Vulva or Tail Base, Non-Gray Horse
I might need these skills if my horse has this diagnosis.
Horses are particularly prone to sustaining traumatic injury because of their size, speed and overdeveloped flight response.
Horse owners should use common sense in management and horsemanship to minimize the incidence of trauma. When horses are trained to yield to pressure (the flight response is reduced), they are caught easily, tie reliably and are less likely to react violently, and so are less likely to be injured.