Related Observations
This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
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Cost: Under $100
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Cost: Under $100
These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
Additional charges may also apply.
This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
This treatment might be used to treat these conditions or ailments.
Traumatic Injury Bruise or Contusion
Fracture of Base of Skull & Brain Case
Brain, Traumatic Injury, Concussion & Brain Swelling
Spinal Cord Traumatic Injury
Ligament & Tendon Injuries, Generally
Laminitis, Acute
Flexor Tendon Injury, Tendinitis, Bowed Tendon
Radial Nerve Paralysis
Fracture of Neck Vertebrae
Equine Herpes Myeloencephalitis, EHM
Fungal Keratomycosis
Jugular Vein Thrombosis
Nerve Paralysis, Traumatic
Post-Anesthetic Neuropathy, Myopathy or Myoneuropathy
Trauma as Cause, Generally
Trauma to Penis or Sheath
Tying-Up, Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
Bacteremia, Septicemia (in Adult)
Eastern, Western & Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis
Myopathy & Muscle Conditions, Generally
Damaged Suprascapular Nerve
Fibrotic Myopathy
West Nile Virus, WNV
Sole, Foot, Corn or Heel Bruise
Bacterial & Fungal Dermatitis, Skin Infections, Generally
Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Rupture
Septic or Infected Flexor Tendon Sheath (in Adult)
Brain Diseases, Generally
Infection of Extensor Tendon Sheath
Cervical Vertebral Malformation, CVM
Your vet considers other treatments that might be used along with or instead of this treatment.
Gorog P, Kovacs JB. Antiarthritic & antithrombotic effects of topically applied dimethyl sulfoxide. Ann NY Acad Sci 1975;243:91.
McIlwraith C.W. Frisbie DF, Kawcak C. Current Treatments for Traumatic Synovitis, Capsulitis & Osteoarthritis. AAEP Proceedings 2001 V.47 P.180.
Swanson BN. Medical use of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Rev Clin Basic Pharm. 1985 Jan-Jun;5(1-2):1-33.