- Bleeding from Lower Neck or Jugular Groove Area
- Wound to Body, Neck or Back
- Wound to Lower Neck
- Jugular Vein or Pulse Seems Over-Full in the Neck
- Jugular Vein Lost or Damaged
- Noticeably Wobbly or Weak
- Extending or Stretching Out Neck
- Drainage from Poll or Neck behind Skull
- Cresty Neck, Fat along Topline, or around Tailhead
- Stiff Neck or Back, Resists Lateral Bending
Neck Swelling
Swelling of the upper region is rare and is most common after a misplaced, high IM injection. The middle region swells most commonly as a result of injection reaction. The lower region swells with spinal column injury, and any misplaced IV injection. Damage to the jugular vein can result in swelling here as can heart failure with blood backup into the jugular vein. Fractures and injury of the spine can be associated with swelling here too. Damage to the trachea allows air to escape and become trapped under the skin. This causes a specific type of crackly, soft swelling. Traumatic injury is possible in any region.
Code Red
Call Your Vet Immediately, Even Outside Business Hours- If this problem seems severe and has come on suddenly.
- If you think your horse may have sustained a fracture or other severe injury.
- If you notice apparent wobbliness or weakness, in addition to this sign.
- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) in the resting horse indicate fever (Temp >101F/38.3C) or heart rate greater than 48 BPM.
Code Orange
Call Your Vet at Their First Available Office Hours- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) suggest the horse is otherwise normal.
- If the swelling is mild or moderate, and not increasing rapidly.
- If the condition does not seem to be causing pain or other problem.
your role

What To Do
Assess the horse's general health using the Whole Horse Exam WHE), paying particular attention to rectal temperature and heart rate. Gently examine and press on the area. Is it hard or soft, hot, or swollen? Does your horse exhibit a pain response when touched? Take a photo of the swelling. Share it, and your findings and concerns with your vet.What Not To Do
NEVER purchase a horse with a swelling here without a veterinary pre-purchase exam!
Skills you may need
Procedures that you may need to perform on your horse.
your vet's role

- How is the horse's attitude and appetite?
- Does pressure on the area seem to cause the horse pain or discomfort?
- Does the horse have a history of any illness or condition?
- Has the horse recently received an intramuscular injection in the neck?
- When was the horse injected?
- Do you notice heat in the area?
- Did you try to give the horse an intravenous injection?
- Can you send a photo?
- Has the horse recently been hospitalized?
- What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?

Diagnostics Your Vet May Perform
Figuring out the cause of the problem. These are tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what’s wrong.

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider
The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend
A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)