- Choking or Gagging, Fluid (Clear, Frothy, or Green) Coming Out of Nostrils &/or Mouth
- Playing in Water Excessively Without Drinking
- Manure, Not Passing Enough
- Dropping Grain or Feed Abnormally when Eating
- Fever, Rectal Temperature Greater than 101.5 (in Adult)
- Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Yellow, Jaundice
- Dropping Chewed Feed or Hay Balls, Quidding
Not Eating, Loss of Appetite, Not Hungry
Horses with pain in their mouth will usually try to eat but have difficulty. Those with pain in the throat and esophagus will chew feed but may have difficulty swallowing. Horses that suddenly experience choke or pain while eating may immediately stop and walk away from feed.
Any time a hay or feed is changed, there is a chance that a horse will be reluctant to eat the new feed, until they become hungry enough to begin eating again. Horses that have recently been given oral medications may not eat until they rid their mouth of the taste of the medication.
It is important to try to determine whether your horse has truly lost their appetite, or is hungry but prevented from eating by something (pain, mechanical obstacle, etc...).
Code Red
Call Your Vet Immediately, Even Outside Business Hours- If this behavior persists without an apparent cause.
- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) in the resting horse indicate fever (Temp >101F/38.3C) or heart rate greater than 48 BPM.
- The feed is the same as it has been. Nothing has changed.
Code Orange
Call Your Vet at Their First Available Office Hours- If the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE) suggest the horse is otherwise normal.
- A change in the feed could explain the horse's lack of appetite.
your role

What To Do
Assess your horse's general health using the Whole Horse Exam (WHE), and try to determine whether your horse is having difficulty chewing or swallowing. In some cases, it may be helpful to assess their mouth (wear gloves). Offer your horse a small amount of feed and watch what they do. If you recently switched feeds, offer the previous one that they may prefer.If you cannot clearly attribute this behavior to a simple management or feed change, or if you notice any other abnormal behavior, call your vet to discuss your findings and concerns.
What Not To Do
Do not give flunixin (Banamine) and then feed a horse without first talking to your vet.
Skills you may need
Procedures that you may need to perform on your horse.
your vet's role

- Does the horse have access to green grass?
- Have you given the horse any medication recently?
- Are you seeing other signs of abdominal pain (colic)?
- Do you notice any other problems?
- When did you first notice this?
- Has anything changed in the environment, feed or management?
- Has the hay changed recently?
- What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?

Diagnostics Your Vet May Perform
Figuring out the cause of the problem. These are tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what’s wrong.

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider
The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.
Within Normal Limits, Normal for this Horse
Colic, Undiagnosed Conditions Causing
Retained Placenta
Large Colon Impaction, Pelvic Flexure Impaction
Hyperlipemia, Lipemia
Duodenitis-Proximal Jejunitis, DPJ
Salmonella Colitis (in Growing Foal or Adult)
Colic, Gas, Large Colon Tympany
Colic, Simple Intestinal Gas or Spasm
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome, EGUS (in Adult)
Intra-Muscular Injection Site Reaction
Liver Failure, Generally
Foreign Body in Mouth
Pigeon Fever
Enteroliths, Intestinal Stones
Equine Influenza, EI
Equine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis, EGE
Small Intestinal Strangulation, Strangulation by a Pedunculated Lipoma
Renal Tubular Acidosis, RTA
Left Dorsal Displacement of Large Colon with Nephro-Splenic Entrapment
Kidney Failure, Acute Renal Failure
Kidney Failure, Chronic Renal Failure
Acute Systemic Disease, Generally
Bastard Strangles
Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Generally
Large Colon Mechanical Obstruction, Generally
Stress or Anxiety, Generally
Bastard Strangles
Equine Anaplasmosis
Intestinal Lymphosarcoma
Abdominal or Internal Abscess, Generally
Pneumonia, Pleuropneumonia & Pleuritis, Generally
Potomac Horse Fever, Neorickettsiosis
Aflatoxicosis, Aflatoxins
Recurrent Airway Obstruction, RAO
Cholangiohepatitis, Cholelithiasis
Viral Infection, Non-Specific
Choke, Esophageal Feed or Foreign Body Obstruction
Clostridial, Clostridium Colitis (in Adult)
Red Maple Leaf Toxicosis
Equine Proliferative Enteropathy, EPE
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, ARDS
Neoplasia, Tumor or Cancer, Thorax
Ileal Impaction
Stomach Impaction
Adhesions, Intra-Abdominal
Right Dorsal Displacement of Large Colon
Blister Beetle Toxicity
Aging Changes, Generally
Theiler's Disease, Serum Hepatitis or Sickness
Carbohydrate or Grain Overload
Abscess Near Anus, Vulva or Tail Base
Poisonous Snake Bite, Rattlesnake or Pit Viper
Ascarid Worm Impaction
Cheek Tooth or Molar, Fractured or Broken
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Fracture of Incisive Bone of Upper Jaw or Mandibular Incisors Lower Jaw
Vaccination Reaction
West Nile Virus, WNV
Uterine Torsion
Conditions Affecting Red Blood Cells, Generally
Monensin Toxicity
Neoplasia, Tumor or Cancer, Kidney
Clostridial Muscle & Fascia Infection (Myonecrosis)
Eastern, Western & Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis
Black Locust Tree Toxicity
Onion Toxicity
Congestive Heart Failure, CHF
Locoweed Toxicity
Liver Disease, Acute Hepatitis
Equine Viral Arteritis, EVA
Burn, Chemical, Toxin, Caustic Substances Ingested & Irritating Mouth, Lips, Tongue
Equine Piroplasmosis, EP
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Plant Toxicity
Protein-Losing Intestinal Diseases, Generally
Stomach Outflow Obstruction
Small Strongyle Infestation
Bacteremia, Septicemia (in Adult)
Blue Green Algae Toxicity
Intestinal Foreign Body
Borna Disease
Fracture of Mandible or Lower Jaw
Poisoning by Cardiotoxic Plants, Generally
Infarcted Intestine or Colon
Coronavirus Entero-Colitis
Equine Herpesvirus 1 & 4, Rhinopneumonitis
Nitrate Toxicity From Plants or Fertilizer
Equine Infectious Anemia, EIA
Rectal Tear
Leukemia, Cancer, Blood or Bone Marrow
Neoplasia, Tumor or Cancer, Sinus or Nasal Passage
Liver Abscess
Adrenal Insufficiency
Neoplasia, Tumor or Cancer, Liver
Smoke Inhalation, Pneumonitis
Vesicular Stomatitis, VS
Internal Ear Infections
Temporohyoid Osteoarthropathy
Sleep Deprivation
Trauma to Penis or Sheath
African Horse Sickness, AHS
Kidney & Ureteral Stones
Equine Herpes Myeloencephalitis, EHM
Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, MRLS
Guttural Pouch Mycosis
Japanese Encephalitis
Plants Causing Salivation & Mouth Irritation
Cecal Disorders, Generally
Fractured or Broken Ribs (in Adult)
Phenothiazine Toxicity
White Snakeroot Toxicity
Larkspur, Monkshood Toxicity
Poison Hemlock or Water Hemlock Toxicity
Hypoglycemia, Low Blood Sugar
Blue Weed, Patterson's Curse Toxicity
Multiple Myeloma
Arsenic Toxicity
Plant or Weed Toxicity, Generally
Black Walnut Shavings Toxicity
Screwworm Myiasis
Ruptured Aorta, Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm
Conjunctivitis, Generally
Multisystemic Eosinophilic Epitheliotrophic Disease, MEED
Equine Grass Sickness
Diabetes Mellitus

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend
A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)