Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
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Synonyms: Underfeeding, Undernourishment
Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
These are tests that might be helpful to make this diagnosis or further characterize the condition.
These treatments might be used to help resolve or improve this condition.
You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.
Loss of Muscle Mass, Generalized, on Top-line or Back
Hoof Wall Seems Dry & Brittle, Cracks Easily
Eye, Sunken Area behind & above Eyes
Noticeably Wobbly or Weak
Flanks Sunken, Drawn Up
Depressed, Dull, Sick or Lethargic
Mangy Looking, Widespread Hair Loss & Poor Coat
Change in Appearance of Coronet Band
Rough Hoof Wall, Lines or Rings on Hoof Wall
Skin is Dry or Flaky, Anywhere on Body
Pregnancy Loss, Mid-Term (6 Weeks to 6 Months)
Pregnancy Loss, Early (Conception to 6 Weeks)
Neglect Suspected, What to Do?
Hind Limb and/ or Hoof Swings Outward at Walk or Trot
Hay or Pot Belly, Pendulous Abdomen
Pregnancy Loss, Late-Term (6 Months to Term)
Pregnant or Lactating Mare's Udder Seems Small
Hoof Wall Seems Dry & Brittle, Cracks Easily
Eating Manure (in Adult)
Hair Loss, Multiple Areas
Eye looks Sunken
Foal or Newborn, Nursing Constantly
Excessively Cold Wintery Weather
Hind Hooves, Toes Worn Off or Toe Dragging
Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Yellow, Jaundice
Foal Stillborn or Died Shortly after Birth
Whites of Eyes, or Pink Skinned Areas appear Yellow
Licking More Than Normal
Tongue Sticking or Hanging Out
Drooping Lip, Face or Muzzle
Hay is Coarse & Stemmy
Mare Returns to Heat after Breeding, Won't Get Pregnant
White Line is Poor, Chalky or Black Material, Seedy Toe
Repeatedly Loses Shoes
I might need these skills if my horse has this diagnosis.
Maintain good general health through good general care, dental care, and appropriate vaccination and parasite control. Feed nutritious hay at 1.5-2% of body weight.
Ensure that all individuals in a group are able to consume the required feed. Monitor your horse's Body Condition Score carefully. Supplement additionally as needed and talk to your vet about your horse's diet during regular appointments.
Written, reviewed or shared by experts in equine health
Purina Mills - Body Condition Scoring Your Horse (Video & Diagram)
The Horse.com - Horse Health Fact Sheet: Feeding Performance Horses
UC Davis - CEH:THR - Nutrition for Rehabilitating the Starved Horse
AAEP - Hay Quality & Horse Nutrition: Evaluating Your Horse's Nutritional Needs
The Horse.com - Horse Health Fact Sheet: Feeding Geriatric Horses
The Horse.com - Horse Health Fact Sheet: Feeding Easy Keepers
AAEP - Nutrition: The Key to Unlocking Your Horse's Health
The Horse.com - Horse Health Fact Sheet: Feeding Broodmares