- Abdominal Pain, Colic Signs
- Not Eating, Loss of Appetite, Not Hungry
- Capillary Refill Time (CRT) Prolonged
- Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Dark
- Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Red
- Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Pale
- Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Blue or Purple
- Pulse Feels Weak
- Depressed, Dull, Sick or Lethargic
Heart Rate, Pulse Rapid, Greater than 48 BPM at Rest (in Adult)
Horses experiencing abdominal pain (colic), low blood pressure, blood loss, primary heart problems, and poor respiratory gas exchange all might exhibit elevated heart rates. Importantly, though, heart rate also increases drastically with stress, exercise or excitement. For that reason, it is critical that the examiner always double check an elevated heart rate when the horse is relaxed. Certain medications will also cause a drastic rise in heart rate.
A normal heart rate or pulse for average adult horses at rest ranges from 28 to 44 beats per minute (bpm). Heart rates exceeding 50 bpm in an otherwise normal seeming horse may indicate a problem and should prompt you to call your vet to discuss your findings. In a normal horse, the heart rate should be the same as the pulse rate. Smaller horses and foals usually have more rapid heart rates.
Code Red
Call Your Vet Immediately, Even Outside Business Hours -
Code Yellow
Contact Your Vet at Your Convenience for an Appointment- If your horse seems otherwise normal but you are convinced there is a problem.
your role

What To Do
Know what your horse's normal heart rate is in health, so that you have a baseline to compare to when you suspect a problem. Double check the rate when the horse is relaxed. In a recently exercised horse, the length of time it takes for heart rate to return to baseline depends to a great extent on fitness.In most cases, there are other primary signs that prompted a horse owner to take the heart rate in the first place. The other signs may be more indicative of the nature of disease. Heart rate elevation is a common finding in many conditions but can be a valuable indicator of the severity of illness.

Skills you may need
Procedures that you may need to perform on your horse.
your vet's role

- What made you check the horse's heart rate in the first place?
- What is the horse's heart rate?
- How is the horse's attitude and appetite?
- Did you recheck the rate after a few minutes? If so, what was it?
- What is the appearance of the horse's gums?
- Are you seeing other signs of abdominal pain (colic)?
- What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?

Diagnostics Your Vet May Perform
Figuring out the cause of the problem. These are tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what’s wrong.

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider
The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.
Acute Systemic Disease, Generally
Stress or Anxiety, Generally
Small Intestinal Strangulation, Strangulation by a Pedunculated Lipoma
Anhidrosis, Dry Coat Syndrome
Blood Loss or Acute Hemorrhage, Generally
Ruptured Stomach or Intestine
Endotoxemia, Endotoxic Shock
Laminitis, Acute
Liver Disease, Acute Hepatitis
Kidney Failure, Acute Renal Failure
Dehydration, Generally
Colic, Undiagnosed Conditions Causing
Large Colon Mechanical Obstruction, Generally
Colic, Simple Intestinal Gas or Spasm
Large Colon Volvulus or Torsion
Clostridial Muscle & Fascia Infection (Myonecrosis)
Monensin Toxicity
Conditions Affecting Red Blood Cells, Generally
Equine Infectious Anemia, EIA
Exhausted Horse Syndrome, EHS
Salmonella Colitis (in Growing Foal or Adult)
Purpura Hemorrhagica, PH
Heat Exhaustion or Stroke
Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Generally
Colic, Sand Accumulation or Impaction
Tying-Up, Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, ARDS
Metritis, After Foaling
Clostridial, Clostridium Colitis (in Adult)
Ruptured Uterine Artery, Post-Partum Hemorrhage
Pneumonia, Pleuropneumonia & Pleuritis, Generally
Plant or Weed Toxicity, Generally
Enteritis, Acute
Blister Beetle Toxicity
Large Colon Impaction, Pelvic Flexure Impaction
Gastrocnemius Rupture
Pulmonary Edema
Carbohydrate or Grain Overload
Mitral Valve Regurgitation Insufficiency
Red Maple Leaf Toxicosis
Cardiac (Heart) Valvular Disease
Large Colon Dysfunction, Generally
Congestive Heart Failure, CHF
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Right Dorsal Colitis
Small Colon Impaction
Ruptured Aorta, Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm
Infarcted Intestine or Colon
Equine Piroplasmosis, EP
Fractured or Broken Ribs (in Adult)
Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutters, SDF
Dislocated Hip, Coxo-Femoral Luxation
Navicular Bursa Penetrated by Foreign Body
Black Locust Tree Toxicity
Castorbean or Ricin Toxicity
White Snakeroot Toxicity
Johnson or Sudan Grass Toxicity
Onion Toxicity
African Horse Sickness, AHS
Nitrate Toxicity From Plants or Fertilizer
Hendra Virus, HeV
Jimsonweed Toxicity
Poisonous Snake Bite, Rattlesnake or Pit Viper
Oleander Toxicity
Rodenticide Toxicity, Generally
Iron Deficiency, Caused by Anemia Caused
Larkspur, Monkshood Toxicity

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend
A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)