- Cannot Swallow, Difficulty Swallowing
- Foul Odor from Mouth or Face, Bad Breath
- Dropping Chewed Feed or Hay Balls, Quidding
- Wound or Cut to Tongue
- Sores or Blisters on Mouth, Lips, Tongue, or Gums
- Foreign Body, Plant Awns Stuck in Mouth, Lips, Tongue or Gums
- Shock, Ears & Limbs Seem Cold, Pulse is Weak & Rapid
- Noticeably Wobbly or Weak
Swollen Tongue
A swollen tongue can result from infection, inflammation or injury. This can also be seen in horses with a neurologic dysfunction and exposure damage to the tongue, and horses in shock as they succumb to an underlying disease. Several times, I have seen a severe, apparent allergic or contact reaction to a common commercial deworming paste (ivermectin and praziquantel).
If the swelling is a result of trauma, the good news is that injuries to the mouth generally heal very quickly.
Code Orange
Call Your Vet at Their First Available Office Hours
your role

What To Do
Assess the horse's general health using the Whole Horse Exam (WHE), and their mouth (wear gloves). Contact your vet with your findings and concerns. Take a photo and send it to your vet for discussion.

Skills you may need
Procedures that you may need to perform on your horse.
your vet's role

- How is your horse's attitude and appetite otherwise?
- Do you notice any other problems with the horse?
- What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?
- When was your horse last de-wormed, and what was used?
- Has the horse received any medications or new feeds or supplements?
- Does the horse seem to be having difficulty eating or dropping feed?

Diagnostics Your Vet May Perform
Figuring out the cause of the problem. These are tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what’s wrong.

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider
The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend
A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)