What you see. The starting point for addressing any equine health related issue is your observation.


Leads, Trouble Maintaining or Changing


Cross cantering, difficulty taking or maintaining a lead at the canter is a common performance problem that can be associated with riding, training or as a result of physical conditions causing pain or dysfunction.

If simple training and riding changes are not solving the problem, there may be a physical cause. Even if the horse seems sounds to you, subtle lameness and neurologic deficit may show themselves as difficulty maintaining and changing leads.

With the knowledge that comes from a detailed physical, lameness and neurologic exam by an experienced vet, you will be equipped to either pursue and hopefully remedy a physical problem, or have confidence in knowing that training and riding changes should solve it.
  • Code Yellow

    Contact Your Vet at Your Convenience for an Appointment
You also might be observing
Very Common
Less Common
+ 10 more observations

your vet's role

Questions Your Vet Might Ask:
  • Do you know of any other health problems the horse has experienced?
  • What are your performance expectations for the horse?
  • What is the horse's exercise and performance history leading up to this?
  • What level of work is the horse being asked to perform?
  • When was the last time the horse performed to your expectations, or has he ever?
  • When did the horse last perform to your expectations?
  • Does your horse have a history of lameness?
  • Have you noticed any other problems like tripping or poor performance?
  • What are the results of the Whole Horse Exam (WHE)?

Diagnoses Your Vet May Consider

The cause of the problem. These are conditions or ailments that are the cause of the observations you make.

Very Common
Less Common
+ 7 more diagnoses

Treatments Your Vet May Recommend

A way to resolve the condition or diagnosis. Resolving the underlying cause or treating the signs of disease (symptomatic treatment)

Very Common

further reading & resources

Author: Doug Thal DVM Dipl. ABVP