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Your vet might choose this diagnostic test if you were making these observations.
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Cost: Under $100
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Your vet might choose this diagnostic test if you were making these observations.
Other diagnostic tests that might be used in combination or with this one or instead of this one.
This test could rule out or confirm any of the following diagnoses.
Fluid can remain relatively normal in cases of severe intestinal obstruction for a variety of reasons. The fluid changes slowly in cases not involving strangulation of the intestine.
Rarely, there can be a pool of normal fluid and a pool of more abnormal fluid in the same abdomen, separated by an organ or part of the intestine. The sampling of the clean fluid can mislead the clinician into thinking the disease process is less severe than it is.
Fluid can be difficult to collect in some cases. This is especially true in horses with thick or fat abdominal walls. Ultrasound is extremely helpful in localizing fluid for sampling.
It is easy to puncture the intestine. In this case, greenish fluid with bits of feed is sampled. This usually indicates that another sample needs to be collected.
Written, reviewed or shared by experts in equine health
Hanson RR, Nixon AJ, Gronwall R, et.al. Evaluation of peritoneal fluid following intestinal resection & anastamosis in horses. Am J Vet Res 1992;53(2);216-21.