Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
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Other conditions or ailments that might also need to be ruled out by a vet.
These are tests that might be helpful to make this diagnosis or further characterize the condition.
These treatments might be used to help resolve or improve this condition.
You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.
Newborn Foal, Gums (Mucous Membranes) Abnormal Color
Whites of Eyes, or Pink Skinned Areas appear Yellow
Rapid Breathing, Flaring Nostrils at Rest (Not after Exercise)
Depressed, Dull, Sick or Lethargic
Urine appears Dark Brown or Coffee Colored
Urine appears Dark Yellow
Rapid Breathing Persists Longer Than Normal after Exercise
Membranes of Mouth, Gums appear Yellow, Jaundice
Maintain excellent general health. Identify and promptly treat underlying disorders.