Conditions or ailments that are the cause of a problem that you see - your observation.

Your vet may diagnose

Endometritis, Chronic


Chronic inflammation in the mare's uterus is a common cause of infertility and abortion in older mares. It usually results from a combination of factors related to the decreasing emptying function of the uterus as mares age, coupled with bacterial contamination resulting from worsening barrier function.

Uterine biopsy, culture and cytology characterize the severity of the problem.

Treatment revolves around improving barrier function (Caslicks operation), clearing infection and improving uterine defenses with medications and better emptying.

my vet's role


The uterine biopsy score is a good predictor of an older mare's ability to carry a foal to term. Whether or not the mare maintains uterine fluid.

my role


I might observe

You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.

Very Common
Less Common
+ 2 more observations

Questions To Ask Your Vet:
  • How severe is the change in the uterine lining based on the uterine biopsy?
  • Does the mare pool uterine fluid?
  • Does the mare have a problem with her cervix?
  • Does the mare have a problem with vulvar seal or conformation?
  • What is the likelihood based on the uterine biopsy score that the mare will carry a foal to term?
  • What can be done to improve the mare's fertility?

Monitor mares with ultrasound pre and post-breeding. Treat uterine fluid accumulations. Some mares need Caslicks placement in order to prevent or treat this problem.

further reading & resources

Author: Doug Thal DVM Dipl. ABVP