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This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
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Cost: $500 to $1,000
These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
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Cost: $500 to $1,000
These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
Additional charges may also apply.
This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
This treatment might be used to treat these conditions or ailments.
Your vet considers other treatments that might be used along with or instead of this treatment.
These are skills you might need if your horse is getting this treatment.
Kempson SA. Ultrastructural observation on the response of equine hoof defectsto dietary supplementation with Farrier's Formula. Vet Rec. 1990 17;127(20):494-98.
Zenker W, Josseck H, Geyer H. Histological and physical assessment of poor hoof horn quality in Lipizzaner horses and a therapeutic trial with biotin and a placebo. Equine Vet J 1995;27(3):183-91.
Josseck H, Zenker W, Geyer H. Hoof horn abnormalities in Lipizzaner horses and the effect of dietary biotin on macroscopic aspects of hoof horn quality. Equine Vet J 1995; 27(3):175-82.
Buffa EA, Van Den Berg SS, Verstraete FJ, et al. Effect of dietary biotin supplement on equine hoof horn growth rate and hardness. Equine Vet J 1992;24(6):472-74.
Comben N, Clark RJ, Sutherland DJ. Clinical observations on the response of equine hoof defects to dietary supplementation with biotin. Vet Rec. 1984 22-29;115(25-26):642-5.
Reilly JD, Hopegood L, Gould L, et al. Effect of a supplementary dietary evening primrose oil mixture on hoof growth, hoof growth rate and hoof lipid fractions in horses: a controlled and blinded trial. Equine Vet J Suppl. 1998;(26):58-65.
Reilly JD, Cottrell DF, Martin RJ, et al. Effect of supplementary dietary biotin on hoof growth and hoof growth rate in ponies: a controlled trial. Equine Vet J Suppl 1998;(26):51-57.