Related Observations
This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
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Cost: Under $100
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Cost: Under $100
These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
Additional charges may also apply.
This treatment might be used for a horse exhibiting these signs.
This treatment might be used to treat these conditions or ailments.
Allergy or Hypersensitivity, Generally
Laminitis, Acute
Corneal Ulcer, Scratch or Abrasion
Colic, Sand Accumulation or Impaction
Clostridial, Clostridium Colitis (in Adult)
Bacteremia, Septicemia (in Adult)
Atypical Pneumonia
Coffin Joint Arthritis, Low Ringbone
Lameness, Conditions Causing, Generally
Damaged Suprascapular Nerve
Abdominal or Internal Abscess, Generally
Salmonella Colitis (in Growing Foal or Adult)
Wound or Laceration to Cornea
Right Dorsal Displacement of Large Colon
Colic, Simple Intestinal Gas or Spasm
Colic, Gas, Large Colon Tympany
Large Colon Impaction, Pelvic Flexure Impaction
Conjunctivitis, Generally
Colic, Undiagnosed Conditions Causing
Fractured or Broken Ribs (in Adult)
Large Colon Mechanical Obstruction, Generally
Rope Burn, Uncomplicated Pastern Abrasion
Large Colon Volvulus or Torsion
Trauma as Cause, Generally
Arytenoid Chondritis & Epiglottiditis
Equine Anaplasmosis
Stomach Impaction
Adhesions, Intra-Abdominal
Intra-Muscular Injection Site Reaction
Sporadic Lymphangitis
Carpal Arthritis, Carpitis
Equine Viral Arteritis, EVA
Bone Spavin, Distal Hock Arthrosis
Abscess in Any Location, Generally
Fetlock Arthritis, Osselets
Edema in an Area, Generally
Thoroughpin, Fluid Accumulation in Hock
Your vet considers other treatments that might be used along with or instead of this treatment.
These are skills you might need if your horse is getting this treatment.
Written, reviewed or shared by experts in equine health