Tests or procedures used by your vet to determine what is wrong with your horse, in order to reach a diagnosis.

Cost: $100 to $500

These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
Additional charges may also apply.


Glucose Tolerance Tests

Cost: $100 to $500

These cost ranges are approximate and may vary from region to region.
Additional charges may also apply.


This test is performed to evaluate the horse's ability to metabolize glucose normally. Insulin is a hormone that is critically involved in blood sugar (glucose) regulation. Increases in insulin cause a decrease in levels of blood sugar. Insulin resistance is the body's failure to respond to insulin in a normal way and is an extremely common condition in domestic horses. Type 1 diabetes is the lack of insulin, and is very rare in horses.

When a horse is presented with a sugar (glucose) load in the blood, it should produce a spike of insulin, which then causes the sugar to drop in a predictable way. The test requires fasting the horse for 8 hours before it is performed. Sugar (dextrose) is given to the horse intravenously. Blood samples are taken at specific times up to 4 hours post injection. Blood glucose levels should be normal in 3 hours after injection. High blood glucose remaining at 3 hours indicates insulin resistance or type 1 diabetes.

Why A Vet Chooses This Diagnostic

This is the best way to assess the ability of a horse to metabolize glucose, i.e. to test the horse's production of and response to insulin. It is a helpful test in further characterizing horses with insulin resistance.


This test does not necessarily differentiate between causes, it only provides information that a problem exists.

Related References:

Lavoie JP, Hinchcliff KW eds. Blackwell's 5 Minute Vet Consult: Equine. 2nd Ed. Ames: Wiley Blackwell 2008.

Author: Doug Thal DVM Dipl. ABVP