Find Horse Tests

A variety of coat color as well as white patterning diagnostic tests specifically for the Appaloosa and Appaloosa-related breeds.

The Appaloosa Panel 2 bundles together the diagnostic tests specific to determining the presence of the leopard spotting complex.

This health panel bundles together the four tests for genetic diseases found in the Arabian horse.

This health panel bundles together the three known tests for genetic diseases found in the Friesian horse.

The Full Color/Pattern Panel combines both the coat color panel and the White Pattern Panel 2. This is the most comprehensive of the horse coat color/patterning panels offered by the VGL.

The horse coat color panel bundles together several diagnostic tests to evaluate coat color.

This panel bundles together several tests for genetic diseases found in the American Quarter Horse and related breeds.

The red factor and agouti panel offers diagnostic tests for these two coat color markers.

The Shetland Pony Coat Color Panel bundles together several genetic tests relevant to coat color in the Shetland Pony breed.

The White Pattern Panel 1 offers diagnostic tests for a variety of white coat color patterns.

The White Pattern Panel 2 bundles together all of the white coat color/pattern diagnostic tests that the VGL offers.

The agouti gene controls the distribution of black pigment, and determines whether a horse will have...
Five mutations in the androgen receptor gene, located on the X chromosome, are known to result in an...
Appaloosa Pattern-1 is a modifier of the leopard complex spotting (LP) and controls the amount of wh...
Brindle is a striped coat color pattern with abnormal hair texture.
Camarillo White is a dominant white coat color characterized by a completely white coat, mane, and t...
Equine cerebellar abiotrophy (CA) is an inherited neurological condition found primarily in Arabian ...
Champagne is a coat color dilution responsible for diluting both red and black pigment as well as ca...
Congenital myotonia is a heritable neuromuscular disorder characterized by a slow relaxation of skel...
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is an inherited condition in which affected individuals...
Hoof wall separation disease (HWSD) is a genetic defect in Connemara Ponies characterized by a hoof ...
Cream is a dilution that causes the palomino, buckskin, smoky black, cremello, perlino, and smoky cr...
Distichiasis is a condition in which the eyelashes grow from an abnormal position on the edges of th...
Dominant white is a variable white spotting pattern caused by many different mutations in the KIT ge...
Dun is a coat color dilution characterized by lightening of the coat, with the head, lower legs, man...
Equine familial isolated hypoparathyroidism (EFIH), previously called idiopathic hypocalcemia, is an...
Equine Juvenile Spinocerebellar Ataxia (EJSCA) is an inherited neurologic disease that causes ataxia...
Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS) is an inherited, fatal immunodeficiency found in the Fell and D...
Fragile foal syndrome (FFS) type I, formerly known as Warmblood fragile foal syndrome (WFFS) type I,...
Dwarfism in Friesians is an inherited disorder characterized by a disproportionate growth with reduc...
Hydrocephalus is an inherited condition in Friesian and Friesian crosses characterized by excessive ...
Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency (GBED) is a fatal genetic disorder that results from the inabil...
The gray gene causes progressive depigmentation of the hair, often resulting in a color that is almo...
The gray allele causes progressive depigmentation of the hair, often resulting in a color that is al...
Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) is an inherited skin condition primarily found in...
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used to screen embryos recovered after uteri...
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) is an inherited disease of the muscles primarily found in Qua...
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) is an inherited disease that causes moderate to severe bliste...
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) is an inherited disease that causes moderate to severe bliste...
Lavender foal syndrome (LFS) is an inherited lethal coat color dilution found primarily in Arabian h...
Leopard complex or appaloosa spotting is a white pattern in horses characterized by a variable amoun...
Lethal white overo (LWO) is a genetic disorder that results from two copies of the version of the ge...
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an inherited disease in which affected horses can be triggered by hal...
Multiple congenital ocular anomalies (MCOA) is an inherited eye disorder that is associated with the...
Mushroom is a dilute coat color found in Shetland Ponies that results in a distinctive “sepia” toned...
Formerly known as IMM, Myosin-heavy chain myopathy (MYHM) is a muscle disease in Quarter Horses and ...
Naked foal syndrome (NFS) is an inherited disorder found in the Akhal-Teke breed and is characterize...
Occipitoatlantoaxial malformation (OAAM), an inherited developmental condition primarily found in Ar...
Ocular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a condition characterized by tumors of the limbus (junction ...
This DNA-based parentage test uses microsatellite marker analysis to compare the DNA profile of an o...
Pearl is a coat color dilution that is characterized by a dilution of the coat, mane, and tail as we...
Type 1 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy is a glycogen storage disease that results in the accumulatio...
The extension gene, or red factor, determines whether a horse will have a chestnut base coat color o...
Classic Roan is a white patterning coat color trait characterized by intermixed white and pigmented ...
Sabino is a white spotting pattern that is characterized by white markings on legs often accompanied...
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), an inherited condition primarily affecting Arabians, is cha...
The silver dilution dilutes black/brown pigment to lighten the manes and tails of black and bay hors...
Skeletal atavism, an inherited bone development disorder found in Miniature Horses and Shetland Poni...
Splashed white is a variable white spotting pattern characterized by a broad blaze, extended white m...
SynchroGait is a diagnostic DNA test for a genetic variant (A) that has a major impact on the gait a...
Tiger eye is a dilute iris color characterized by a yellow, amber, or bright orange color.
Tobiano is a white spotting pattern characterized by white on the body that crosses the topline.