62 Results

My Observations - 62 Results

Abrasion or Scrape on Upper Limb or Leg
Bleeding from Upper Limb or Leg
Bubble of Soft Swelling on Outside &/or Front of Hock
Cactus Spines or Multiple Thorns Stuck in Skin
Can't Seem to Move or Bend Hind Limb, Seems Locked
Clicking or Snapping of Hind Limbs at Walk
Cow Hocks
Cracking, Popping or Crunching when Limb Moved
Crooked Leg, Poor Limb Conformation (in Adult)
Dent in Rear End
Drainage from Anywhere on Body
Drainage from Coronet above Hoof Wall
Drainage from Site on Upper Limb or Leg
Excessive Bend in Hocks, Sickle Hocks
Hair Coming Off in Clumps or Crusts
Hair Loss, Multiple Areas
Healing Leg Wound, Sudden Increase in Swelling, Drainage or Lameness
Hind Hoof Slaps Down to Ground at Front Extent of Stride
Hind Limb and/ or Hoof Swings Outward at Walk or Trot
Hind Limb Bows Outward at Hock When Walking
Hindquarters Seem to Fall Away or Collapse while Ridden
Hypersensitive to Touch, Generally
Lameness, Chronic Hind Limb
Lameness, Generally
Lameness, Recent Hind Limb
Lameness, Severe, Cannot Support Weight on Limb
Lameness, Sudden Onset Under Saddle
Limb appears Obviously Fractured or Broken
Limb or Joint Seems to have Excessive Range of Motion
Limb or Joint Seems to have Reduced Range of Motion
Local Muscle Twitching
Localized Muscle Loss in an Area
Lump, Bump, Growth on Leg
Lump, Bump, Growth or Tumor on Skin, Anywhere on Body
Multiple Sores, Crusts, or Scabs on Skin, Anywhere on Body
Muscle Tone Poor, Muscles Seem Soft
Pointing, Placing One Limb Forward when Standing
Pop or Clunk Sound when Bearing Weight on Hind Limb or Walking
Proud Flesh, Healing Wound Developed Raised Red Tissue
Resists Raising, Lifting, or Bending a Limb
Resting One Hind Limb, One Limb Cocked
Short-Strided in One or Both Hind Limbs
Skin Feels Warm or Hot, Heat in a Local Area
Skin is Dry or Flaky, Anywhere on Body
Skin is Sloughing Off, Anywhere on Body
Skin Seems Reddened or Irritated in a Location
Sores on a Down Horse
Sores, Crusts or Scabs on Hock
Splinter, Wood, Metal, Etc. Stuck in Skin
Stifle Area Seems Swollen
Straight Through Stifle & Hock, Post-Legged Conformation
Swelling around Point of Hock, Capped Hock
Swelling of Multiple Joints
Swelling of Upper Hind Limb or Leg
Swelling, Anywhere on Body, Generally
Swollen Hock, Generally
Will Not Stand for Farrier, Will Not Hold Leg Up for Long
Wound at or near Hock
Wound is Very Slow Healing or Not Healing
Wound to Limb near Joint or Tendon Sheath
Wound to Upper Limb or Leg, Generally
Wound, Open Sore Caused by Pressure from Bandage or Cast