39 Results

My Observations - 39 Results

Abrasion or Scrape, Anywhere on Body
Burs or Burdock in Forelock of Mane Causing Irritation to Eyes
Cactus Spines or Multiple Thorns Stuck in Skin
Cresty Neck, Fat along Topline, or around Tailhead
Drainage from Anywhere on Body
Drainage from Neck
Drainage from Poll or Neck behind Skull
Extending or Stretching Out Neck
Flaky or Scaly Skin, Scaling Especially near Mane Base, but Anywhere
Groove, Dent or Divot in Neck or Shoulder
Hair Coming Off in Clumps or Crusts
Hair Loss, Multiple Areas
Heat, Swelling or Pain at Injection Site
Itching, Rubbing or Scratching, Generally
Losing Mane or Tail Hair
Loss of Muscle Mass, Generalized, on Top-line or Back
Lump, Bump, Growth or Tumor on Skin, Anywhere on Body
Mangy Looking, Widespread Hair Loss & Poor Coat
Multiple Small Bumps on Skin, Hives
Multiple Sores, Crusts, or Scabs on Skin, Anywhere on Body
Muscle Tone Poor, Muscles Seem Soft
Neck Crest appears Broken or Fallen
Neck Swelling
Puncture Wound, Anywhere on Body
Skin Feels Warm or Hot, Heat in a Local Area
Skin is Dry or Flaky, Anywhere on Body
Skin is Sloughing Off, Anywhere on Body
Skin Seems Reddened or Irritated in a Location
Small Bumps Over Neck & Shoulders during Insect Season
Sores, Crusts, Scabs or Peeling of White-Haired, Pink-Skinned Areas
Splinter, Wood, Metal, Etc. Stuck in Skin
Stiff Neck or Back, Resists Lateral Bending
Sweating Excessively
Sweating, Anywhere on Body in Local Areas or Patches
Swelling on Poll or Neck behind Skull
Swelling, Anywhere on Body, Generally
White Hair appears on Body, Head, Face or Elsewhere
Wound is Very Slow Healing or Not Healing
Wound to Body, Neck or Back